Digital Anthropology

Found my first piece of a Tesla while doing my daily walk, I counted 64  Tesla’s more than one per minute so this CTECHI Tesla Circuit oard . It must be part of one damaged in an accident.

did not find any more parts Drop me a tweet @mentorcapital1 if you know what it’s for.

Tesla EMF circuit card

Tesla EMF circuit card
Digital Anthropology

Social Media

2020 an unusal year with my Predictions for the Future

2020 will go down in history as an unusual year, The Global Covid-19 Pandemic first identified and Sequenced in 2019 in Wuton China


2 million people dead worldwide with  385,000 people dead in the US  by Friday, January 15th,


Covid-19 John Hopkins University Inrweaxtive Map

While The Economy was suddenly forced to shift only the Knowledge-based economy could thrive.

Old Fossil fuel industries saw Valuations going to Zero and large Banking concerns like

Bank of America would no longer consider Oil or Gas reserves in the Ground as stable collateral for new Loans.

Record layoffs in Oil and Gas Forced Texas to Decide to go Solar

and entice Elon Musk to move by offering him over $1.1 billion in incentives to relocate in Texas.


Texas goes Solar within 5 years more jobs will be created by the Solar industry than the declining Fossil fuel industry,

The State of Texas will Choose to Beat Arkansas with  the largest Solar farm by 2022

Arkansas Laegest Solar Farm in 2020

Arkansas Largest Solar Farm in 2020

In 2020 we saw a further decline in the number of Jobs with Automation picking up the slack where un Safe working conditions keep people at home. If your a low-wage low skilled worker it’s time to retain Jobs like Truck driving will have limited futures as Autonomous Driving routes will increase productivity and profits for companies launching them. Electric Semi Trucks will be the dominant form of Moving Cargo within 10 years. in 4 years all delivery fleets in California must be Electric. and Mass unemployment of existing drivers likely in the next 4 years,

autonomus mining vehicls


With the Loss of work by Truck Drivers that we already see in off-road mining and lumber industries who refuse to retrain and want to protest or burn Society down rather than admit, they may never work again and need Welfare will grow to 50% by 2024 as Autonomous Truck Driving routes across the country continue to replace human drivers.

Political unrest continues with a larger Digital Divide I've seen grow larger and quicker in 2020. People Fearful of Technology or Basic understanding of Science is at an all-time low with certain Groups we call pro-death celebrating Scientific illiteracy,  Humans Evolved in a much different environment with more Oxygen and less Carbon Dioxide. As more Air and water have been polluted IQs have now fallen in the US. The solution is Emergency Climate Mitigation. The World's fisheries have collapsed with half of all fish being consumed today coming from Farms.


New Clean Healthy Fish Farming needs to supplant the dirty industry practices and the eating of actual Wild Species like Salmon will need to be stopped in order for the wild species to survive and repopulate our Ocean rivers and streams.

Clean Water Open Ocean Pens must be used to preserve the World Population that must continue to be allowed to spawn.

Environmentalist without Scientific literacy continues to fail to weight the needs of the millions who will still be hungry we must not let the old fishing legacy industry to kill off whole species.

OpenWater Salmon Pen

Clean Open Water Salmon Farming to replace a legacy fishing industry decimating wild populations.


Globally 80% of Restaurants and Grocery stores will switch to Clean Farm-Raised sustainable Fishing Farms by 2030 to preserve what wild species are left.

AI as we saw with our Stay at home Covid-19 new world Economy we needed to do 100% of our work from the safety of home so we turned to unleash the greatest productivity tool of 2020.

my own advising for MSB.AI has shown great examples of increased productivity by creating a novel Engineering assistant for Wnginers to be able to use new High-performance Supercomputers and cloud resources without specialization in each area as before.

We’ve already seen huge advances with the Sigularitynet AGI network of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations of AGI tools.


We will see the rise of Decentralizatied Aoutonoius organizations. we all will be used to help organize and create personal abundance in 2021


Singularitynet AGI DAO

With 2020 seeing record Prices set in CryptoCurrency markets I feel Bitcoin was a necessary evil to teach people how to operate in a Covid-19 world.

bitcoin itself will not go away but much of the political unrest we saw was the result of lame money laundering attempts from criminal mobs. The unsustainable nature of Bitcoin will cause it to eventually be replaced by newer less energy-intensive Farming Crypto Currencies. Crypto Currencies must be easily created by doing the most Energy effective things like turning off lights or optimizing your new Building design


Sequestering CO2 and Methane will create new stored value in Farming Coins


Social Media

Stay at home week 11


I started my stay at home on March 1st, I first heard of the Pandemic December 20th from Wutan China. heard online chatter between Trump admin and CDC arguing over when to call it a Pandemic. Admin wanted the US to have a nice 2019 Xmas season as the largest quantity of goods is sold for Xmas. This sounded reasonable as of Xmas was less than a few days away and fist death may have been an outlier. In January I keep watching with disbelief as Trump admin began openly sabotaging America’s Response to this Pandemic. USDA meat inspectors were being fired and or relocated EPA, NOAA, etc all were victims of Trumps War on Science. Begin stocking up on and telling others to as well. on February 27th I had to make a decision to travel to attend a Foresight Insitute event book a hotel and make travel arrangements I decided to rent a car instead of fly. On February 28th decided it might not be safe at all to travel so-called others who were asking and said I would not be attending the March 5th event. So this is my 11th week of Stay at home self-isolation I have a 93-year-old father and must be a little more cautious. only shop Twice a month and go for good walks every day but the last gas purchased was February 28th. Happy that the Oil companies will bankrupt the Dirty businesses needed to be closed. Air is much better now and Planet is slowly healing this is a giant reset. and a chance for us to Reform Business to be economically sustainable for the Long Term. at I had worked virtually and so nothing has changed except now we are all more productive. We are running 3 zoom meetings per week. Our AI Breakfast meetings had to move online as restaurants all have closed. So now we can have others outside of the area attend it’s much more productive, sign up at 101incubator for weekly zoom events.

Social Media

Heavy Metal Detox of the Ocean

I added a page with info from the Foresight event I attended in April 2019.

Social Media

Spring Cleaning Time

Landlords its time to remind Tenants its Spring Cleaning time!
the center for Diease Control has issued a investigative notice for hospitals to report new cases of Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections. Clean out your Refrigerators people.

Scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli

Social Media

Buy Facebook Stock to allow you to vote

Currently Facebook has at least one very Alt Right Type of Trump Supporter on its Board of Directors, Who helped Trump win in 2016. If all 65 million Hillary Voters had bought 100 Shares of Facebook back when it was cheap 5 years ago this would be a very different World today. Trump is Delaying our Sustainable Future and creating artificial Scarcity so he can control us and profit off of us.

We all only can vote on Facebooks Business issues (like choice of its Board Members) if we own Stock in Facebook. So Im asking all 65 million Plus Hillary Voters to Buy Facebook Stock and help Vote for a Better World and Suistainable Future .

#Suistianable #Future #BUY #FACEBOOK #STOCK

If anyone needs a free method of buying Stock this will only work from smart phones. but its free and they give you some small stock. Facebook Share is not free costs of FB: $174.93 today. You get to buy one share only if you want but can vote on Facebook business once per share if we can g

Social Media