Distributed Ledger with IOTA

Our Homes, Cars and Manufacturing all need immutable ledger systems to help us audit and find waste inside our systems. My homes energy useage may need to be audited or my Car would need to continue driving even when the internet and centralized power is lost. For hundreds of reasons my Emergency Medical Apps or our Tricorders need to just work. Regardless of the situation. Hacking can prove deadly to many using autonymous systems without local Fog or Edge computing. I can not wait for high latency Cloud Computing to process my home or office systems and sub stsyems. Alexa or Google home while great, cannot even be trusted with simple timing reminders as internet is requited at all times.you can burn your dinner or burn down your home if waiting for a Alexa alert while internet has droped out. For 90% of all my work I need to disable the internet from my IOT “things” they alsi need to workan be secured, and if Centralized power or Internet is lost in an Earthquake My timers and AI must continue to keep me and my Home Safe. To acheive the promise of the Intenet of Things and AI I must remove the need to always be connected. Removing the internet will currenly stop IOT devices from working and your Alexa home timmer alerts will no longer work. Your home watering systems shut down and home Alarms are not functional. We are using a IOTA Tangle as a distributed Ledger with HagoEnergetics.com our requirements included operating our AI offline and computing within our own local Fog network. The massive data generated by a Carbon Sequestration Systems it requires real time AI control to produce the desired material like Bio Char, Activated Charcol or Bio Fuels. Continous flows under high temp and high pressure means any delay like latency required for Cloud computing cannot be allowed. The added security of running our own local Tangle means no hacking vulnerbilites will exist like Blockchain systems that can be forked and spoofed with man in the middle attacks. Such an attack even if brief can be deadly to operating an autonymous system A IOTA distributed ledger is created to keep track of (POC) “Proof of Capacity” and (POR) “Proof of Reputation” systems. As Carbon is sequestered the combined “Proofs” are used to Create a immutable ledger of Carbon Credits. The local Tangle and Carbon Credits created can then be moved out to the internet where they use a IPCoin ERC20 bridge to add Liquidity via Etherium. IOTA Tangle technologies hace no requirements for us to pay fees or “Gas” during production so our systems can remain Carbon negative. Our local AI systems can also be audited with each sensors data valadated by the IOTA Tangle. All remote work suffers when not with immediate internet connection. Want to work while on vacation or just from the beach you need your own IOTA node and Tangle to merge you work with others at the end of the day. Blockchains suck for most things i want to do. The Video below is a great explaination about the benifits of using a distributed Ledger with IOTA and was originalliy published by Hacker Noon on Apr 11, 2019 Episode 37 of the Hacker Noon Podcast: An interview with David Sønstebø of IOTA, a permission-less distributed ledger for a new economy. http://iota.org

Distributed Ledger Tech with David Sønstebø, Co-Founder of IOTA

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